Sunday 16 October 2005

A promise is a promise...

A few days ago, I promise Margie I would do this!! Sorry, it's taken so long, just haven't felt like pouring out my heart and soul to the great unknown - no offence guys, it's just how I am feeling now, and not that I am feeling bad, I'm feeling good. :)

7 things to do before I die
7) Buy a house
6) Travel to Europe
5) See the Book of Kells
4) Italy, visit Positano for Margaret :(
3) See Sonnet and Laura again!
2) Grow my hair
1) Live happily ever after with my HUSBAND, Glen ;)

7 things I cannot do
7) Roll my R's
6) See without my glasses
5) Rollerblade
4) See those hidden 3D images
3) Show emotion to people I don't know well
2) Sing or speak in public
1) Resist chocolate!!

7 things that attract me to the opposite sex
7) Smile
6) Eyes
5) Sense of Humour
4) Someone who takes note of what I like, and what I've said
3) Romantic
2) Intelligent, but not genius
1) Caring

7 things I say most often (this is hard!)
7) Fuck it!
6) Shiiit!
5) Whatever!
4) Fiiine!
3) Gleeeennn!
2) Crap!
1) Hey you

7 things that annoy me
7) Rude people
6) Not showing or acknowledging you've heard when I've said something to you!
5) Poking your nose into my business when you are licensed!
4) Sit on my arse when I am riding my scooter or driving my car
3) People who judge without knowing someone
2) People who sing off key!
1) People who sing to themselves in the middle of the supermarket!!

7 things that make me happy
7) Chocolate
6) Sleeping
5) Lazy warm (not hot) afternoons
4) Hanging out with my Glen
3) Wrastling with my black puppy!
2) Listening to good shit 80s music!!
1) Being free to be myself

7 Celebrity crushes
7) John Cusack
6) George Clooney
5) Brendan Fraser
4) Darren Hayes from Savage Garden (Yeh, i know, but I was 20!)
3) Colin Friels
2) Patrick Dempsey (sauve doctor from Grey's Anatomy)
1) Matthew Fox

7 People I want to do this
7) Diana
6) Sonnet
5) Margie
4) Fractal Girl
3) Laura
2) Hugh
1) Aurelius


Anonymous said...

I was sure I saw my name on this, am I losing the plot or did you have a change of heart? :)


Sam said...

Um, I dunno! I just checked! Nope? But you are more than welcome to do it!