Wednesday 29 November 2006


Life's a bit up in the air right now. I haven't felt much like blogging. I just can't force myself, so I am not going to.

I'm sure I'll start blogging again at some point. Maybe in a couple of weeks. I'm really not sure. I may even get my shit together and merge this blog and my other blog. Suffice to say, I'll be back, just check back every now and again. Hopefully, I'll stop feeling like I'm in a funk, like I'm in a haze or cloud and maybe I won't feel so left-behind.

Mostly, everything is ok. Don't be too alarmed. Just can't be bothered too much. Everything is fine. Glen and I are perfectly fine. Life is just a bit blah, it's changing too much and part of it depresses me.

Stay tuned.

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