Sunday 5 November 2006

New Template...

Last night I was bored. I was bored with everything, including this blog. I've been meaning to update it for a while, but just don't have the gift of html like others do. So, I decided to just use one of blogger's templates. However, I really should have done some homework, as I seem to have lost my archived files. I might need to get Glen to sort it out for me, as I have no patience for it.

Anyway. Yes, it has been a while since I have updated. And yes, that usually means that I have been a bit down. But I have been busy, so it kinda evens up. I started to write about the crap that has been happening in the last week or so, but I have deleted it. It's kinda redundant and I am trying to get past it. And let me say, it's nothing hugely bad, just a bad week, and I think we've all had them.

In good news, I test rode the scooter I am hoping to buy, and after much umming and ahhing and stressing, it looks like I might be able to take delivery of the thing in about a fortnight, if all goes to plan. Please keep your fingers crossed for me over the next few days :)

The last thing I'll report is that Midgy developed a hernia from her desexing operating last Friday week. She's a burmese and far too active, described as a monkey by our vet, who also has burmese. So, she had to go back in for surgery on Friday jsut gone to repair the damage. She has more stitches and a bigger hole. And as a result, she has been confined to a cage for the next 12 days. Poor little girl. Keep her in your thoughts. I really hope that she heals properly this time, as we are doing all the right things.

Maybe in the next few days, I'll blog some more. Maybe I won't.

Finally, I am thinking of moving my blog to a new blog-client, somewhere where I can make private some entries. Any ideas, please let me know in comments or email me.


Anonymous said...

i use livejournal and it's great. you can make some entries only viewable to friends and some viewable to no-one but yourself.

Anonymous said...

i use livejournal and it's great. you can mark posts not at all, or as friends only or as private. it's very easy to control who sees what, although for people to see firends only posts they also need to have a livejournal account...

Anonymous said...

ahh crap, i didn't read the messages properly. you will have received three messages from me when i hit send on this one. ;)