Monday 6 November 2006

When you wished you possessed the flexibility...

Suzuki Burgman 400
Originally uploaded by Sams76.
Over the last few years, I have become inherently aware of myself, my personality and all the annoying aspects which come with knowing me, and being my friend.

No, I am not picking at myself, or being critical. I am simply being aware of who I am.

I am the person, who when asked how they are, gives you more information than you really asked for. One example is my new chiropractor. The poor man asked me why I had come to him and left my old chiropractor. Any normal person would have invented something simple and without dilemma, not me. I told him the truth – the long winded, drawn out version.

What was the truth?

I babbled. It sounded a bit like this:
Sam: “Mr Nice Chiropractor Man, I came to see you because I cannot see my old chiro. This is because I just sold my lovely scooter, the source of my freedom, so that I can save for a better scooter. This would mean that I would no longer have to suffer being tailgated on the freeways, that I can outrun any annoying vehicles and travel in style!”
Chiro: Nods and asks me to turn my head to the left.
Sam: “So, I have sold my scooter and I cannot see my old chiro. However, it’s convenient to come here, as it’s across the road from work and that’s useful! As it is, I wouldn’t be able to see you if I had to find transport there. Because, remember I have sold my source of freedom and general transport!”
Chiro: Rolls eyes and asks me to turn my head to the right.
Sam: General babble about missing scooter.

Words fail me here, like they don’t, but really should in situations like this. I often volunteer far more information than I should. When people ask me how I am, I need to learn to ignore the truth of it all, be fake and respond, “Fine!” However, I am just not very good at the small talk, so I talk about the stuff I know – my life.

The scary part of it is that I never really hear myself babbling about scooters and how I came to be on a chiropractor’s table discussing them. It is only in retrospect that I hear myself and shudder.

It’s just as well really, I am not fond of this chiropractor and I am sure that once I get my new scooter, I’ll go back to my old chiro, who doesn’t mind a bit of scooter chatter – for the last 3 years, he’s been telling me he’ll buy one. Maybe when he sees this baby sitting out the front, he’ll get the bug.

PS: You might ask about the meaning of the title. Ever wondered when if foot in mouth disease was ever very useful? It’s times like these when I really wish I couldn’t get a sentence out, that I wish for a very large, not so hairy foot, to be shoved in my gob, thereby preventing me from looking like a babbling fool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i do the very same thing. i think it comes from not being asked how you're doing often enough, or people asking as a curtesy and not really caring to hear the answer.

me, i'm straight up and honest. if you ask me how i am and i feel like babbling on and you don't feel like listening then you never should have asked.

you should never be forced to respond to anything in a way that isn't true to yourself. instead the people who ask questions with no interest in a persons response should be set straight.

i hope once you get your new scooter you're able to go straight back to your old chiropractor - they sound really nice. :)