Friday 17 June 2005

Perfect job, no money

Hrm. I had an interview today. It was for a fabulous job, local council, community-based position, friendly team, easy-going boss etc. Perfect. Money not so hot, not so hot in fact that it is about half of what I earn now! Amazing huh? I'm seriously considering it.

They asked me a good question, one which really helped me feel good about the role: "How do you balance your personal life with your working life?". I answered, "Well, I probably shouldn't be saying this, but my personal life will always come first." One said, "That is the only answer you should give!!". I was quite relieved to hear it.

So, I should probably get a seond interview for next week, which will be nice. They sort of indicated I would, which was nice. I felt really relaxed throughout the entire interview and even made them laugh, weird huh?

Fingers crossed. I wonder if I can squeeze a little more money out of them to make life easier for me? What do you think, considering it's a government job with bands / levels etc???

Ok, I must now throw myself on the lounge and relax - it has been an especially hectic week!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Money isn't everything, right? Can you make it on the smaller salary? If you can make it, even if you have to do some belt tightening, it might be completely worth it to be happy! Money is great but if you don't have a life to spend it on, who cares!