Tuesday 21 June 2005

Inconceivable and chaos abounds...

This is what I did tonight, in this order:
  • Prepared a scrumptious dinner of chicken kebabs and cous cous, using the griller. This is noteworthy.
  • Prepared to depart for puppy preschool, only to find my 'adorable' puppy had ripped apart another of my pot plants. Her weekly total as of Tuesday night = 3, if you count the gardenia she pulled out of the pot and took to bed with her!
  • We attended puppy preschool. Amusingly, the vet nurse announces a bonus prize to the dog who accrues the most Bonus Bones earned from successfully undertaking the activities.
  • Amusing and amazingly, because Clio won. She won a 101 dog care book - woo!
  • We arrive home with our prize, I get out of the car to open the gate and I hear a beeping sound from inside the house. It takes me all of 5 seconds to click - we left the second batch of kebabs on the griller - the entire place was filled with smoke, the poor cats were traumatised and their lives flashed before my eyes.
We were so lucky not to have lost both the house and the cats. It was a huge reality check, I've never done that before, never. Suffice to say, Glen won't have any kebabs for lunch tomorrow!

Now, I sit in front of the TV, after coughing up my guts from the smoke, relieved to have two very alive cats and a house full of undamaged, albiet smoke damaged possessions.


Misfit said...

Great to see another person having a great night..lol

Anonymous said...

Sam! OMG! Is the house OK? Any damage from the smooke? The cats don't have any serious effects? That (fire, usually caused by my own carelessness) is one of my biggest fears... so sorry it happened to you!

Sam said...

Yes, it was a great night and welcome Cazza!

Sonn, the house is fine. The only thing damaged is my nostrels and the cats' delicacies! I think Glen felt more guilt than I did and then he was put out because he had nothing to take to work for lunch!

Di Gallagher said...

You will giggle about it in a little while. It's just good that it didn't end badly, though I have never heard of anyones house burning down from leaving the grill on.