Tuesday 14 June 2005


You know, I've been feeling really shit emotionally the last few weeks, but it also means I've been feeling terrible physically and as far as diet goes. I've been eating crap. Drinking coca cola, lemonade, ginger beer (a personal favourite), whatever isn't nailed down, I've been drinking it. And it doesn't stop htere, I've been consuming vast amounts of double coated tim tams! Yes, they are my favourite, closely followed by ANYTHING which has a scerrick of chocolate on it! I swear, I've had the worst sweet tooth and my body has been paying for it! I've been jittery, pimply, bloated, grumpy and a general 'breath of fresh air' - NOT, to be around!

So, I'm taking matters into my own hands whilst on leave and hoping that by outing myself on my diary, I actually stay committed to this 10 day detox thing I've got going here. It's a reputable program, so I have no qualms doing it, but I just went to the fridge and there's bloody lemonade, cadbury's chocolate and bloody violet crumble in abundance - I didn't even make a dint in it last night when I sat for my final binge on it! Dammit!!

Now, I have to stuff my face with hommus on corn cakes, almonds, or worst still - ALMONDS! Hrm, actually, they are tasty, but it doesnt compare to chocolate. I'm just trying to resist the urge to curl up in bed and sleep the day away! That way, I've achieved one day on this detox diet and I'll only have 9 more to go! EEEK!

Wish me luck.


Di Gallagher said...


Margie (and Fae) said...

Good luck! It's an actual detox... not a diet? That's cool!

Sam said...

It's a detox thing, with accompanying vitamins etc.

Unfortunately, the headaches and vomiting were too much though, so I had to stop it. fabulous, huh? A day and a half is all I could last. Funny thing is, I didn't mind the food etc and didnt miss the junk I couldnt have, but my body was retaliating!